Food expertise

FoodQloud offers various types of food companies a set of standard functionalities that supports their processes.

Are you an ambitious food entrepreneur?

If you are currently a start-up targeting revolutionary bio-organic food concepts, a foodie becoming an agent of a fair trade concept, a cost-efficient driven entrepreneur investing in SMART industry principles, an established name deciding to supply consumers directly through a webshop or a producer who decides to expand his offer with ready-to-eat concepts: FoodQloud can help you to take the next step.

The processes that drive food companies can differ significantly from one another, not only in their specific ambitions. A traditional merchant has to be able to handle other processes and dynamics than a producer or online food specialist. The shelf-life of a product can also influence business processes, operational pressure, the distribution model, site structure and even customer groups.

FoodQloud is full of NetSuite food expertise and offers a truly significant proposition with regard to standard functionality. For this reason, the package for more than one food niche is ideal.

Food specialties of FoodQloud

Food companies are continuously innovating to comply with the ever-changing wishes and requirements of consumers, supply chain partners and government. This demands the use of appropriate technology that fully supports this innovation and can readily be adapted to changing circumstances. Within the food industry, the NetSuite food expertise of FoodSuite focuses on supporting the following type of companies.

Focus on entrepreneurship, not on IT

Entrepreneurs often have to deal with time-consuming management of numerous software packages and separate servers. This restricts the time they can spend on their core activities: running a company and creating new and exciting products for their customers. In order to compete effectively, food distributors and producers need a reliable, integrated and easy-to-use business software system.


OAs most food companies are growing exponentially, abroad as well as at home, they need a platform that offers flexibility and agility to sustain this growth in addition to advanced functionality. That’s why a real-time, uniform business scan to see exactly how your company is doing is a business imperative. Cloud-based ERP systems offer an appropriate solution.




Choose FoodQloud

Because only a 100% solution is good enough

Automatic upgrades from the cloud: 

never again have to deal with costly re-implementation

Customisation and interfaces are easy to achieve

and are an automatic component of the upgrade process

Work seamlessly across borders:

Consolidate and control from a single application and database

Total solution:

ERP, CRM, HRM and even E-Commerce & POS

OPEX instead of CAPEX:O

No prior substantial investment in permits